Sunday, August 14, 2011

African dwarf frog questions? answer please?

These frogs are very blind. If you just drop food in like you would for a fish they will have a hard time finding it. It is for this reason no tank mates are recomended for the frogs as they will easily starve with all the fish getting the food long before they find it. In my tank they have a little cave, and I reach in and drop their food right in that cave every day. By now they know exactly what I'm doing and soon they head in there to eat. After a couple hours I remove any uneaten food with a turkey baster. If mixing with fish, guppies and corydoras are ideal, however you are going to have to be a little more diligent in making sure the frogs get enough to eat. I alternate frozen blood worms (thawed) and frog/tadpole bites every other day, feeding once a day. You will need to drop the worms/pellets right on them and make sure they eat before walking away. Guppies are pigs and they will quickly scavange uneated food from the bottom before the frogs can get to it, if you aren't careful. Your frogs should be moulting regularly as they grow. If they aren't shedding their skin atleast once a month or so, then they aren't getting enough to eat. Guppies are extremely social and active fish. They need to be kept in groups in NO LESS than 10 gallons. All three species you want are social and need to be in groups, actually. uming you have a 10 gal tank, I think a nice mix would be 3 male guppies, 2 corydoras, and 2 ADF's. Research the specific type of cory you want and make sure it's a smaller breed that doesn't get bigger than couple inches so you don't end up with an overstocked tank. Do not feed freeze dried anything once the frogs are in the tank. This will often cause impaction and they will bloat up and die. As their name suggests, they are from Africa and need warm water. Anywhere from 76 to 82 should be good. I shoot for 80, because I've noticed it's where they seem the most active and compfortable. Their skin is very sensitive so pick smooth stones for the bottom and inspect all decor and plants for sharp edges or prickly's. You don't want them getting sores as that invites infection. At least some live plants are highly recomended. I have live and silk plants in my ADF tank and they definitely gravitate towards the real plants. Provide decor that gives them a place to hide. Also make sure all decor or large rocks are firmly rooted in your substrate (gravel) because these guys dive down hard into things and can knock things over on themselves. If pinned they will drown because of course they do come to the surface for air. Also after you float the bag, do not "poor them in" but rather carefully net them and add them to the tank without adding the bag water.

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