Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My boyfriend and I are on the brink of a break up but I DON'T WANT IT TO END!?

My boyfriend and I were texting and we haven't been so perfect latley and I told him I was worried. He asked why and I said I'm scared of losing you and I don't want us to fall apart and he said "no" and then I asked what that meant and then he just said my name and I said "yes?" and he asked if I really liked him and I said of course I do do you like me and then he said that I didn't have to like him so much. And then now I'm sobbing and then I told him I want to fix us and he said it'll be hard until after christmas. I don't know what to do! I haven't done anything! I don't want any other guy I want HIM! I love him. He's my first love. The only boy I've ever kissed... He's so much to me and I can't let him go.He seems so desperate to break up with me.

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