Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Did i really won 500,000 pounds in the UK National Lotto?

Uk National Lotto had e-mailed me congratulating me for having won 500,000 pounds and instructed me to e-mail to claim my prize, no answer

Are pro-life Conservatives really pro-life?

Yes, 3000 innocent people died on 911 they should be alive but they are not, so to kill the people that did it, is to save many thousand others. Over 1 million babies will be aborted, when you get to that number of innocent people killed in defense and on the death penalty then come back and we will talk.

I have a 1932 czech made 380 that breaks down by rotating the slide up. How much is this worth?

I have taken it to a few gun shops and they won't tell me how much it is worth but offer to buy it on the spot. They have never offered a price for it either. It has the stamp on the slide and barrel.

Recommend some good songs for me!?

keane is a really good band. any song from their 2004 album Hopes and Fears is great, especially "Everybody's Changing" and "Your Eyes Open."

Regarding time, interest rates and loan values?

The list price of bill of the products is $5000, payable at the end of 150 days. A discount of $900 is offered the buyer for payment at anytime within 30 days. What is the highest interest rate at which he/she can afford to borrow money in order to obtain the discount?

Should I trade Ichiro for Carlos Lee straight up?

My other outfielders are Soriano, Pierre, Dunn, and Hamilton. My speed beyond Pierre and Ichiro is Pierre, Jeter and Soriano. I am lacking in HR and RBI's badly and will probably be mid of the pack in SBs now because the man named Reyes is not on my roster. The rest of my team is McCann, Pappi, Cano/Lugo, Jeter, Atkins, Giambi, Delgado. We have 3 OF and 2 Util and 1 of each IF position. 5x5

Can u please help when im stell wating?

please understand me girls,Ihave pain at the bottom of my stamuk inside at the right hand sound sirius now adays especialy when i ware gens of my fells like i have lot of oxygen inside my steel wating for my my piriod of this month.2yrs.

What should i do about my ex boyfriend?

Hi, I'm Tracy. And i have a problem, okay so here's the thing it's about my ex boyfriend we broke up three months ago but i still love him with all of my heart and he says he still has feelings for me too but it's like sometimes he'll say we need each other and he thinks about US but other times he'll say he just wants to be friends i don't get it. He knows how i feel and i just talked to him about it again a couple hours ago and he just started ignoring me, i don't know why. I've been crying about this for three months and right now i honestly feel like killing myself because in my life I've only felt pain but when me and Cody was together i felt happy and loved for once in my life. All i want is him. I don't even know who i am now i feel like i see me in him i feel like he's the other half of me. Ya know? I really don't know what to do. Please don't tell me to try and get over him because I've tried it. I've tried talking to him many times. I know he does have feelings for me. We lost our virginity to each other too, maybe that's why i love him so much? Sometimes he can be a huge a** hole but other times he's really sweet. What should i do? He has even told me he was stupid to break up with me and that he wishes things were like they use to be and that he was stupid for breaking up with me.Tell me a story about a relationship you wished never ended?

Packers fans: Who would you rather play in the NFC title game?

Packers/Bears. The biggest game the oldest rivalry could ever meet in? Since 1921 these 2 teams have been playing each other in the NFL. They've never met in the NFC Championship, they play each other like records don't count. The games are rarely pretty, this game would be epic.

Gaming Computer Motherboard on Budget?

Gigabit motherboards have worked fine for my budget as I feel I actually get what I pay for. AM D and I ntel compare very very closely but AM D continues to offer their products for about half the price. You are spending well enough for a fine gaming PC. Keep in mind if you plan on running Vista you should halve at least 2gig RAM in banks if possible. You are on the right path, build a machine from scratch vs. walmart or best buy and you are way above their so called value machines. Go for a SATA hard drive because they're awesome and don't spend too much on a flashy case, a good case should cost you around $35.

I cannot believe I am saying this!?

I had Pani Puri... bought it from an Indian restaurant. Well, Nothing wrong having fish and chips, one can have anything and its his wish. Its not that you are turning English or anything. Get those thoughts outta your mind ;)

Hubby pursuing goals hurting family am I being unfair?

married people with children need jobs and they can chase their dreams after 5pm. You need to tell your husband to get out of the studio playing and get his a** a job. Out of the thousand of people out there trying to "make it", maybe 100 do. He should have thought about that before he got married and before ya'll had a baby. He could have went to the studio and lived with his momma and them. You seem like a successful woman. Stop stressing yourself with this foolishness. If he does not want to be a MAN, because having a does not make you a man, and step up and provide for his family, you need to separate until he comes to your door with at least five recent pay stubs and some money for bills. Until then, keep climbing the ladder and taking care of your baby, and go get your pedicures without worrying about this craziness.

What are some good jaz songs to do a dance solo to?

how bout Untouched by the veronicas; its upbeat , fast and u can make a story that goes along with the music :) hope it helps.

Could my kitten be a Maine Coon?

Cosmo is definitely a Maine coon cat because his fur is long like a Maine coon cat's fur and his fur is the color of a Maine coon cats fur and the easiest way of telling if a cat is a Maine coon cat is by looking at its forehead see the big "M" that means that cat is a Maine coon cat. Hope this help you know if Cosmo is a Maine coon cat!

In 1963 what was Roy Clark's first hit on capitol records?

In 1963, Clark signed to Capitol Records, and his first single for the label, "Tips of My Fingers," became a Top Ten hit.

Can someone help me with my grammar?!?

I'm writing my personal statement and I've written "school's athletics team" but a blue line has appeared under the "athletics" telling me to correct it to "athletic". To me though, "school's athletic team" doesn't sound right. Same with "Welsh School's Athletics competition". Which is right, "athletics" or "athletic"? Silly question I know but it would be great if someone could help me out!

Ok, i need help. feeding is making me sick as heck?

I think you may have mastitis. You need to get to a doctor asap. The symptoms are "headaches, general achiness, reddened area of the , followed by fever, chills, and weakness." The can also be tender where it's infected.You need to get antibiotics and to still nurse on the affected side frequently.

What does "getting old school" mean in the following page?

The players will nap, watch TV, play with their portable video game system — Duaner Sanchez was getting old school with Mike Tyson’s Punch Out this morning — and then got ready for Game 2.

Barnes and nobles ebook help!?

I have a nook color. I bought a book from and found it on the main page of my nook. I then bought two mmore books but don't see them on my nook. They are on my online library on nut I cannot get them to my nook.

A question about cricket volunteering if u hav done some?

well there is this U13 girls cricket training session, and i want to go and help out with it but im not sure if im allowed bcoz im 16 i have got a young leaders award in cricket but i dunno if theyl just say no because i dont go to the club but it is local to me ( i dont go to the club bcoz the have no over 16 teams) so what do u think shall i ask them or will they be like wtf why u want to come and help i want to help bcoz for my a-level cw i have to help out with training sessions, if i do ask them how should i say it over the phone bcoz there is no email adress

Please justify War?

That's easy. The world's overpopulated. War is just as good of a way to "cull the herd" as any other. Would you prefer a plague or m starvation?

What do you think?

i think that this is a great team. almost one of the best ive ever seen. thur gonna rock in your league, the only thing is that paul pierce may have fewer points this year because of the arrivals of garnett and allen.

Which laptop is best for uni?? (i give you the options,)?

I'd go with the first one even though its larger. I don't know why your concerned about size when you should be concerned with speed. The first one is also specifically designed for graphics, the second one is just a standard PC. Really, go with number 1

Is my baby eating to much?

My son is 3 weeks old and lately he has seemed to be eating a lot more than he used to. I finally got a pump so I when I go back to work I would be able to have someone watch him because I know that milk is best milk :) He seems to be eating about 5 ounces during feedings, is that to much? Even after that amount he still seems to want to eat. I don't have him on a pacifier but I'm trying because I know it's an instinct to want to suck and I figure that's what he wants to do because during nursing sometimes he just seems to be just sucking on my and not actually eating. (I don't hear swallowing vs. just sucking) So 3 questions. Is he eating to much for how old he is? Can I put a little pinch of cereal in my milk to help fill him up because he is sucking me dry and I can't seem to save up any milk if I need to go anywhere. And how can I get him on a pacifier?

Additional cash advance limit?

I will be having my anniversary credit line this coming May 2010, I had already send my additional requirement just to avail additonal cash limit in my Visa credit cad , but up to this moment i haven't received yet any information regarding my request. Thank you very much

Do singers like Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Leona Lewis, etc need shows like American Idol?

well, it was only a matter of time before they got recongised by the right people! Bt that takes time! AI and X Factor is just a faster root :)

Address bar help/?

Ok....I think I hit something, now the address bar where all the tabs were disappeared. It reappears when I go near it but disappears when don't have the mouse on it. Used to it would stay on all the time, but now it dissappears. How can I make it so it will stay on permenentaly. Also the bottom tabs have disappeaed and only reappear when I minimize the screen. I can't see them otherwise please help!! My greatest thanks goes out to whoever can!

Menopause question :( ?

It is diferent for everyone. My mom never knew any of the side effects, I on the other hand had/have still so many. You wont know until it happens. With a loving and supportive husband, he can tell you if your having problems that new due to this, so write yourself a note and tape it to the mirror, that if he says something to you, trust in him and go back to the Drs and see whatelse can be done IF you do have any problems. I dont want to list mine ok. I am not familiar at all with the shot the Dr is giving you. Just stay healthy and eat well, take your vitamins, exercise, even if you just walk to help with the anxiety, and hopefully you wont have any side effects, there is no gaurantee that there will be. One more thing, dont blame every little thing on the shot either, there are many factors as you know that make us feel this way or that way or ill or whatever. Good luck, I hope your feeling better soon from your endo problem, I had no idea this was something that caused so much discomfort :(

A question on "sunk costs" in economics?

can sunk costs include non-monetary ideas like time? for ex., if I was at the library and bought a latte while i was there, would the effort to get there be a sunk cost because I had already made the decision to drive to the library and so i didn't have to put out any more effort?

Who are you voting for American Idol?

Who are you voting for, for American Idol. Who do you want to win? Do you think Adam will win? Is it possible for Kris to win? Vote for Kris! :)

Im wud be in australia.. brisbane for abt another 2 months..?

Agreed with that one. Lone Pine is actually the best place to go if you want to see different kinds of Australian animals. There are also other interesting places that you can visit while in Brisbane.

What will happen if animals ingest chemicals released in the air?

Would depend on what type of chemicals it is I would think. Is it perfume? Mustard gas? Nitrous oxide? All of those would cause a different reaction.

Sick neon tetra?

I have a neon tetra that i think is sick. I've asked a couple of questions about him but still not sure what to do. He has lost an eye don't know if it happened at the store or in my tank and dosn't school with the others just sits at the back and twitches is this a sign of aggetation and neon tetra diesease. He also has on the bottom of his caudal fin a cloudy/white bit and might be finrot. Although all these signs he still eats. Could he just be scard if he did lose his eye in my tank, i have notice he has been like this for a couple of days. The other fish i have in the tank are 1 gourami, 2 black widow tetras, clown loach and flying fox could any of these fish attacked him the gourami dosnt seem bothered or aggresive to the neons. So confused can you help me. Put him in a bowl now what should i do

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Just later today i get this pop up saying that i have a virus or something. Its a Malware Defense "Security Center Alert" screen and it tells me the Name, Risk, and description but doesnt tell me the location. how can i find the location so i can delet them? It says its a Windows PE SYS file. Its annyoing and i dont have the money to buy the software. The file name is "Rootkit.Win32.Agent.pp" and i looked it up in Search but it cant find it anywhere. How can i delet it!?

Does the McCain Campaign Have a Reason to be Unusually Upbeat?

An article on MSN report that the McCain campaign is unusually upbeat just days before the election. Do they really have a reason to be? With only five days until Election day, John McCain's campaign aides seem to be in a happier mood than they have in quite some time. For the last few days, the campaign has been increasingly buoyed by what it says has been improvement in it's internal polling of 14 battleground states. Even McCain himself is upbeat. " He's been happy for the last few days," says one aide. " That's a change." What to make of this? Because, still the landscape looks pretty bleak. A flood of public polls show that McCain is down in several important, traditional, Republican States. The News organizations and ysts that have reported and sifted the numbers guess that, at the moment, Obama would garner upward of 310 electoral votes by winning not only all the states that John Kerry won, but also Ohio, Virginia, and several other states that went for Bush in 2004. The article claims that the mindset of the McCain campaign on a continuum that sketches from deceit.( know they are losing, and play acting) to drudge like self delusion. ( clutching at any glimmer of hope).....Does it seem that the McCain campaign is somewhere between self delusion, and truth?

Do mare's heat cycles become synchronized with mares in proximity, like humans do?

Horses do. Usually if you have a herd of mares they will all come into heat at approximately the same time, give or take a couple days. Makes life easier if you're breeding them, but otherwise it can be a bit of a pain.

Baby delivery at Fortis Hospital, the BEST?

Hi, I am Angela. I am 5 months pregnant. It's been a month or more that I have been surveying hospitals to find the best of them with respect to patient care, clinical excellence and quality and value for money. I found Fortis Hospital in Mumbai to be the best, topping up with the above aspects. They have a tradition of compionate and personalized patient care which is their mantra, as i truly believe that care is the cornerstone of any patient-hospital relationship. The services provided by Fortis hospital is the best. I want my baby to have these best service. Besides patient care they also provides additional unique tests for newborns, like newborn screening and some other tests. When inquired about newborn screening, its one of the tests that has to be done right at birth.

What should I do about this bf ?

Facebook isn't a problem in mine and my wife's relationship but it as bin known to reck relationship's hope you sort things out

WEEK 4 WR Help. Please pick 3 !?

No question start Gates and If you have a question about Boldin go back and look at the Ravens and Bengals game. The receivers couldn't get open and Flacco gets flustered against great defenses. Go with Johnson.

Is this INFATUATION? please help...?

No, but I would suggest telling him how you feel. It would be the best thing you could do in this situation. If he asked you out in 7th grade that probably was a really long time ago. So if you see him often tell him how you feel, but if you don't see him at all anymore forget about him.

I am from bangladesh..i need a free credit report so how should i get it?

If i get free credit report from sites of USA or UK it doesn't work for Bangladesh and i don't think there is any site in Bangladesh that gives free credit report so where can i get it from?

Compare and contrast between RNA Polymerase 1 and RNA Polymerase 3?

Polymerase 1 makes the large ribosomal RNAs and Polymerase 3 makes a variety of very small, stable RNA, including rRNA and tRNA.



My pet finch is acting weird, what to do?

Lately my girl finch has been getting quiet, she is usually the loudest of all my other birds. I have 3 finches, I have 2 females, 1 male, african grey, parrolet. I don't my finches mated or anything because I don't have a nest box in their cage. :( What do I do? Do I put a nest box in there just in case? I really don't want any more finches. (it's not mating season is it?) Is my finch dying?

I'm 35 weeks prego with Polyhydramnios?

came to know about this condition when I was 33 weeks.according to the doctor baby is not swallowing the amniotic fluid around him resulting Polyhydramnios .and because my uterus size now much bigger than full term pregnant .according to the CTG I'm having frequent contractions almost after every 3 mins but these contractions r not painfull at all.Cervix is not dilated yet.don't know what to do it's my first , pregnancy , any one had the same issue ? when did u go to the labour, I am 35 weeks now , would it be safe to go to the labour?

This or That baby girl names +BQ?

1) Aria 2) Bella 3) Channing 4) Debora 5) Elisabeth 6) Genevieve 7) Honor 8) Isla 9) Juliette 10) Kailey 11) Lauren 12) Marly 13) Nala 14) Oliva 15) Parker 16) Quency 17) Raina 19) Sahara 20) Tracy 21) Unna 22) Vivian 23) Whisper 24) Xaria 25) Yvonne 26) Zarah My favs are Aria, Bella, Genevieve, and Juliette (:

Evangelical Americans: If a few states seceded from the nation in order to form a Christian nation...?

would you move there? What would you expect the laws of this nation to be? What would you expect life in this nation to be like? What sorts of freedoms would you be allowed, and conversely, what freedoms would you part with in order to conform to the laws of this nation?

Name of song that goes WHOA OH OH ohhhhhhhh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh?

check on 94.9's stations website! cause usually radio stations show the past songs theyve played or whats playing currently duh.. haha is it wild 94.9 for you too?

Why WWE has to mentioning about Chris Benoit?

Because they don't want to ociate themselves with a murderer. Vince still has a business to run and it would be bad for business.

Materials that are high conductors of Solar power?

Try scanning all the materials along the semiconductor staircase on the periodic table. Then tell me what you think.

Can someone explain to me the Birthday Paradox?

I really cba to read all this shlt: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do Democrats hate Palin so much?

Palin is twice the woman Hilary will EVER be. Plus Barac Obama has been talking about change for friggin' ever! When the hell is he going to change something!? McCain did real change. He has a woman VP, yet everyone who's not a Rebuplican hates her. Why so?

I need help finding information on how Leonardo Da Vinci was influenced when he drew the picture of....?

john the baptist...i dont know if their is more then one but if so it is the one that he is sitting with a rope in his left hand and is pointing to the rope with his right hand, he has no top on and is just covering his "parts".

Just finished watching countdown to doomsday ...?

2 will probably be the most likely, or solar flare. global warming is a hoax, and a global pandemic is made to scare people by the media, m extinction will not happen unless it is some kind of a ice age. the rest will never happen. anyways, the next "doomsday" is 2012, and nutty people think it is isnt.

Is it a serious offence for people to drive too slow?

especially on winding country roads where there is no opportunity to overtake. a slow car (with 8 angry cars stuck behind it) can be reported to the police. is that right?

Help I have a green fish tank !?

Moved tank to different position now as may of been the light causing this so do I get new pebbles as can,t wash green stuff off and what else can I do .....thanks

Am I getting old too fast?

Working never made anyone old. You are just a busy person. Keep it up. Haven't you ever noticed some people die when they retire? Stay healthy. However, it is a good idea to have some equilibrium in life. Time for work, time for fun, time for personal hobbies, time for relationship, etc. you get the idea. That is the best of all worlds. Aim for it if you can.

Constant Hunger Bursts?

well hun.... you just have to face it thats what happens when ur body is losing weight so keep the good work up and no when ur hungry your body is eating the fat you have alright. DONT GIVE UP

Monday, August 15, 2011

Has anyone been an angry person and then learnt not to be?

I used to be a very angry person, i would get angry for no reason whatsoever and have big outbursts. I hated it as i didnt know why this was happening. I tried everything, counselling, behavourial thereapy, anti-depressants, but then after almost giving up, i went for a course of Clinical Hypnotherapy, and, it worked! Its now been 8 months and I havent had that feeling of anger rise in me since. I would seriously look into Clinical Hypnotists - make sure they are certified though, as there are alot of unqualified ones out there. I promise, they will find out te reason for your anger and them and your subconcious will sort it out between them and you will feel much better!

Can ANYONE tell me what is so Great about Wagner ?

Wagner has some wonderful moments but some truly awful hours. Seriously though, I love Tannhauser, but probably only because my father had the old 78 record and we used to play it on his wind up gramophone. Unfortunately I had to study Wagner in school for two years. Pure boredom. I have hated his life story and most of his music since then. You have my sympathies.

Is it wrong that my baby puts himself to sleep?

At about 9 months old I got tired of fighting and holding him down to get him to go to sleep when he wouldn't set still, so I began laying him in his crib and going in and soothing him every 5-10 minutes and after about 30 minutes he would put himself to sleep and now when I lay him down and give him his puppy (stuffed animal) and pacifier he lays down and goes to sleep on his own every night at 7:30. Well, is it wrong that I let my baby learn this way because my friends and parents all think that I was wrong and being mean to him. I felt like I had to do something different. Was this mean?

My daughter and her friend do not get along.?

My daughter and her friend do not get along but love to play together. They whole time they are togther though they nic pick at everything. SO I asked do ya'll even like to play together and they said yes. I told them if the fighting cont. Then they would not be allowed to play they are only 5 years old so the fights are...stop looking at me and she stuck her tongue out or fighting over a toy then hitting each other to get the toy, talking at the same time. I am lost and don't know what to do for them to get along because they always want to play together.

What are some of the things being done to improve the traffic problem in Bangkok?

Well, the recession is helping reduce the number of cars on the road. People don't have jobs so no need to travel to work. Others have no money to purchase a car or pay for the fuel. The government is in the beginning stages of starting new sky train routes, subway routes, trains and bus routes. However this is going to take years to see any results. Now if someone has an accident the vehicles must stay where they are until the police and insurance agents arrive. A single accident can back up traffic for hours in this city.

What should i do to make it right?

I had a date with my first girl again. we meet like after two years we have kept talking for about 4 hours but we were just having a friendly conversation .My question is that i don't know if she still have felling for me or not but i am now having a strange felling ,i just couldn't stop thinking about her .I want to call her and would like to check if she is also having the felling also?

Where is the Antichrist right now? In Hell? Does he/she exist now? And is he/she and Satan one and the same?

I have a theory, G.W. Bush was the Antichrist, Cheney was Beelzebub, Rove was Satan. Where the Antichrist is now, is licking his wounds, as he was ousted by good people who wouldn't allow evil to take over, Satan is playing the usual game, of being a good little devil, and trying to win back the trust of the people, so that he may once again, find another Antichrist to do his bidding, hiding in the back round and making evil possible. The Antichrist is whoever Satan can get to do his bidding, as he needs it done.

Dry and frizzy hair??????

OK I have dry and frizzy hair and I straighting my hair everyday ( I know that bad) and i use heat protecting (Chi straighting Guard) and my hair is dry and after i take a shower wen i wash my hair ( I wash my hair every other day) my hair gets frizzy that y i straighting my hair every day so do u have any tips or recommend something for dry and frizzy hair? plzz and dont give the obvious answer like '''stop straighting every day or shave ur hair off'' something like that soo plzz help THNX! :DD

My gut tells me one thing but my heart?

there is nothing wrong with giving and showing compion for another. . . . . . . . . . . .lots of elderly folks in nursing homes need small items, soxs, deodorant, inexpensive items. my wife and I sponsor an elderly nursing home resident each year. they also love visits from children. . . . . . . . . .a good opportunity to teach your children the "art of caring" dont let the "con-artists" harden your heart. god bless you. Max.

HElp i need advice!!!!!!!?

well it would depend on the personality of the character,but in my opinion roxanne a.k.a roxy would be the best name for the main character.

Year of Fog- Michelle Richmond (quick ques)?

What do you think the age group for this book is? I have heard there are some inappropriate parts-like what?

Help wuthering heights?

Think of the word "Heath" - what does it suggest to you? Wild, open space, empty, solitary. What about "Cliff" - rugged, steep, difficult etc. Now think of Heathcliff's character in the novel - wild, rugged, solitary, loner, menacing etc. Agrees doesn't it? It's quite common for authors to choose names that reinforce the individual's characteristics

Does anyone else see that thing near the moon?

There is a darker, but obviously illuminated thing that is moving down to the right away from the moon at a pretty rapid pace shaped in an oval race track shape. What is it?

Why is this girl still doing these things?

we have berated each other slandered each other and she has said some unfavorabvle things towards me and me to her,we have made racial undertones towards eaxch other(me being asian and her being iranian),but she will still want my attention.p by me and things of that nature and even get upset if i don't give her attention.I'm afraid that she keeps saying things behinf my back,but i've done my best to patch things up with her.(i was respectful the last few times around)but then i've ignored her ever since.Why would she keep trying?I don't trust her...but i'm confused by her actions.

Secretly like her, or stop liking her? What to do?

I wouldn't tell her at all. Just let it blow over and just try to be friends with her. It might be a while, but if you wait it will be alright. There is no point to fight the feelings that you have for her, because if you have strong feelings for her it would just hurt you more to try and suppress it. So the best idea would be to like her secretly. Eventually you will be able to be friends with her I'm sure. But I also don't know Lily, so there's no telling how long that would take. I would suggest writing your feelings down on paper or computer. Write a poem, or song (if you play music). Writing down your feelings is a big help sometimes. I hope this is of help to you!

Something wrong with my c section scar please help ?

You should go to the er now. It sounds like a staph infection and those can be dangerous if untreated.

Just out of curiousity...?

not saying this is happenong to me but, could a guy b straight if he's going through confusion and his hormones r going crazy and gets turned on by a male? just wondering.

How do you break an apartment lease when your transfered out of state?

I got an apartment a little over a month ago and I have never moved in and now I'm moving out of state do to work. How do I break my lease in a good way so it doesn't go on my or my co-signer credit?

Hi ladies, how are we all in TTC? Any more BFP's? I'm 14DPO & still no sign of the witch :D?

I am 10 or 11 DPO and I took a test yesterday and negative. I am having bad AF cramps so I think I am out for this month. I feel really bad b/c we tried SO hard this month. I used Pre Seed and everything. Oh well. I really hope that you get your BFP this month. I think that you are!! Your family is lovely! Good luck to you!

Where is the man I love? :(?

I've read this question a couple of times just to see if i can come up with a possible reason for the change in him and all that keeps coming to my mind is that he and his friends are doing drugs...............

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why are sports so gay?

like all sports in general, they're not cool or anything with the exception of mohammed ali boxing waaaay back when and football, and football isnt even that my question is why is america so enveloped in watching other people play sports?

Why does Jordan get a p but Favre doesnt?

People are gettin mad at Favre with all this retirement unretirements. He has retired twice, and changed his mind and people are sick of him. Well did you guys forget how many times Jordan retired? 3 times. But you guys dont criticize Jordan, but yet when Favre talks retirement and coming out, you guys get mad at him. why is that. Why does Jordan get a p but Favre doesnt?

Can someone help me with moving ollies?

i have trouble with moving ollies because my deck is too small for my feet amd when i try to slide my foot the board messes up. I know it's possible to learn tricks on a small deck so i appreciate any advice you all can give me so i can learn moving ollies

Why did you vote for Kris?

Because he's an awesome singer and a lot of people don't know what real talent is. It's not about his looks. And no, he doesn't have "teeny-bopper" fans. I'm 13 and I take offense to that. I am also offended that people think Kris's fans are phobic. I am NOT phobic. They have to face reality and the reality is that Kris Allen won. Adam's fans just love to find excuses as to why he didn't win.

I need help doing the ollie.?

I can ollie about 2 feet going like around 5 mph. But i cant ollie over a curb olling 5 mph. Everytime i try to ollie fast ( fast enough to get over something) i pop and the tail just stays on the ground. It just drags. I cant ollie even a rope!!! It just drags. Help me please!!

I would like to swithch back to my old yahoo, how do I do that?

I accidently upgraded my yahoo account I am having troubles with it. I want to switch back to the old one I am use to. How do I do that?

How do I get my church to play black songs?

Go to a Black church. A lot of White "Christians" are racist and expect us to adhere to their culture while completely ignoring ours. They feel comfortable so nothing else matters to some of them.

The iPhone lacks so many features, why do people still like it so much?

I don't like apple, but att offered me a better deal $200 for the phone versus $300 for an android phone. Also, it's much better than a regular phone. The apps are sufficient for me and better than a phone w no apps. I have a gps map, facebook, bar code scanner, police scanner, tip calculator, etc, etc.

AOL IM setup question...?

I have AOL (9.0 SE if that makes any difference) and normally the IMs are grouped together in one window. However, i accidentally changed it so they are all sepate now, and I have no idea how to change it back. Anyone know what to do? I couldn't find anything in all the setup options for AOL.

Please grade my SAT essay. (Practice Test)?

I give it an 8/12. You provided two great examples which you elaborated on a bit, but you length and intro were issues for me. Most greatest scoring essays have at least 3 paragraphs: an intro, body, and conclusion. You did not seem to have a well-defined introduction or conclusion. Also, your first sentence was a bit too cookie-cutter since you basically repeated the prompt word for word. Try to make your hypothesis more original with your own style of writing. Overall, you are fine with presenting ideas to back up your point, but you need to improve on organization, diction, and syntax...

Please help? how to get my best friend out of my life?

we have been best friends for 15 years now. we were in school together and grew up together. he was my club buddy and drinking pal and my drunk hookup. we did almost everything together. well i found out he has a side i never knew about. he hid his gang affiliation from me. how did i find out? he was arrested for 3 counts of murder. im still shocked. from what i heard he killed 1 guy because he owed him money and he killed the other 2 because they were with the 1 guy. he shot them all in the head. i never knew this because he was a quiet, shy white kid who didnt even look like he was a gang member. he dressed nice and just didnt look like he would hurt anything! so my question, since it will be hard for me to see him in prison for the rest of his life, how do i just get him out of my life and stop thinking about him?

Could it be that the history channel series end really Barack Obama the Antichrist? End Times 2012?

I am worried there is a VERY erie simularity to this. This guy is too good to be true. A new "WORLD" leader. Scary stuff.

Do you put much thought into a persons sign?

It just gives me an idea and actually it's not good stereotyping,cause you become a close-minded person.But I do think that signs can give you a deeper insight of a person characters,cause they point out certain characteristics of the people born under a certain zodiac and make you realize some of them.But I find observation to be more right.I do believe in the zodiac but that's as far as you go,if you can't judge a person's character by yourself then that's really disappointing.So what the zodiac offers is some kind of psychology.You just don't have to become a fanatic.

Do you like this dress? Good on a curvy figure?

It's a very nice dress, but you might want to wear high heels with it because that style suits very tall people.

Sirius Sportster help!?

I have the Sirius Sportstef radio. I am in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. What is a radio station we can use to play the Sirius properly?

Calculate the friction of the tree with the ground?

A rope is used to pull a felled tree (m 50 kg) along the ground. A tension of 1000 N causes the tree to move from rest to a velocity of 0.1 m/s in 2 s.

Will i look good in a bob hairstyle?

You should probably cut it like Katie Holmes. This seasons bob covers the back as well. As for the bangs Posh looks nice. The bangs that go with Katie Holmes are straight across.

Is this normal after having Radio active iodine treatment for your thyroid?

Ok, so back at the beginning of february I drank some radio active iodine solution to oblete my thyroid which pretty much means to make it inactive because it was over active plus I have Grave's disease. I have noticed that since the treatment that my monthly cycles have been very irregular. As in I am getting a lot of them and they seem to be coming whenever they want. It is like I will have my period the week that it is due and then 2 to 4 days after I will have another one. Or sometimes I will start having my period the week before it is due and will be on it for almost 8 days. I am also on birth control pills. To those of you who have had experience with this do you think that body is just thrown off by the changes going on with my thyroid or do you think that something else could be going on? My thyroid doctor seems to think that it is the changes in my thyroid but I am beginning to wonder if maybe there could be something else causing it. I mean i feel fine otherwise but it has me wondering. So, I am looking for some input. Thanks.

Tell me what you think of this little piece of the first chapter of my book?

Separate it into paragraphs and maybe I'll consider reading. A big chunk of writing like that can be intimidating and people will easily skip over your question.

Please help me w/ this problem?

At Gwen's garage sale, all books were one price, and all magazines were another price. Harriet bought four books and three magazines for $1.45, and June bought two books and five magazines for $1.25. What was the price of a book and what was the price of a magazine?

Why Do Republican's always act like Sarah Palin is some Victim?

Barack Obama is worth $12 million which I would say qualifies him as rich but the press has never attacked his kids like they have with Palin. She is a victim of the left wing trying to destroy her by using quotes taken out of context, misquotes, name calling and attacking her family. It makes no difference how much money she makes. oh, and by the way, watch the entire Katie Couric interview and not just what the left wants you to see. All of the things that made her look "stupid" were taken out of context. And she didn't say that she saw Russia frrom her house. It took me less than 30 seconds to find the quote.. You should do a little research so you don't look so dumb next time...This is the direct quote.."They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska." Yoy can see Russia from Alaska, dufus.

I need a project for hospital management for cl 12 ,c++?

please send a link of a site which provides the project along with the algorithms and flowcharts.i need it for hospital management,sales management. please reply as soon as you can.

What would cause a clanking noise and burning metal smell in a '94 Plymouth Voyager?

When the engine is running, there is a significant clanking noise coming from the front/left of the engine, along with a burning metal smell. The power steering system is leaking, and there is no fluid in it....could this be the cause of the problem?

Im looking for a shower i can attach to a mixer tap so i can shower in a bath.where i can find them in the uk?

im looking for a shower i can attach to a mixer tap so i can shower in a bath.where i can find them in the uk? ive found ones you attach to the hot and cold tap but my bath has a mixer tap. i cant change the taps as its a rented house. any suggestions would be fab !

Has anyone done a study on the addictive qualities of coffee? Will Starbucks become the next Philips-Morris?

Only in America could you sue for stupid reasons. There is decaf for people who can't tolerate caffeine

African dwarf frog questions? answer please?

These frogs are very blind. If you just drop food in like you would for a fish they will have a hard time finding it. It is for this reason no tank mates are recomended for the frogs as they will easily starve with all the fish getting the food long before they find it. In my tank they have a little cave, and I reach in and drop their food right in that cave every day. By now they know exactly what I'm doing and soon they head in there to eat. After a couple hours I remove any uneaten food with a turkey baster. If mixing with fish, guppies and corydoras are ideal, however you are going to have to be a little more diligent in making sure the frogs get enough to eat. I alternate frozen blood worms (thawed) and frog/tadpole bites every other day, feeding once a day. You will need to drop the worms/pellets right on them and make sure they eat before walking away. Guppies are pigs and they will quickly scavange uneated food from the bottom before the frogs can get to it, if you aren't careful. Your frogs should be moulting regularly as they grow. If they aren't shedding their skin atleast once a month or so, then they aren't getting enough to eat. Guppies are extremely social and active fish. They need to be kept in groups in NO LESS than 10 gallons. All three species you want are social and need to be in groups, actually. uming you have a 10 gal tank, I think a nice mix would be 3 male guppies, 2 corydoras, and 2 ADF's. Research the specific type of cory you want and make sure it's a smaller breed that doesn't get bigger than couple inches so you don't end up with an overstocked tank. Do not feed freeze dried anything once the frogs are in the tank. This will often cause impaction and they will bloat up and die. As their name suggests, they are from Africa and need warm water. Anywhere from 76 to 82 should be good. I shoot for 80, because I've noticed it's where they seem the most active and compfortable. Their skin is very sensitive so pick smooth stones for the bottom and inspect all decor and plants for sharp edges or prickly's. You don't want them getting sores as that invites infection. At least some live plants are highly recomended. I have live and silk plants in my ADF tank and they definitely gravitate towards the real plants. Provide decor that gives them a place to hide. Also make sure all decor or large rocks are firmly rooted in your substrate (gravel) because these guys dive down hard into things and can knock things over on themselves. If pinned they will drown because of course they do come to the surface for air. Also after you float the bag, do not "poor them in" but rather carefully net them and add them to the tank without adding the bag water.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is simply not driving a g/f who does not own a car or have a license places social abuse?

There is no law that requires you to drive your girl friend anywhere. And there is no such thing as social abuse.

Can you tell what kind of person I am just by listening to my mp3 playlist?

I have Soko, Mari� Digby, Mark Ronson, The Flaming Lips, Radiohead, Fiona Apple, Bread, Daniel Johnston, Kawabe Chieco, Barry White, Che'nelle, Vampire Weekend, Foo Fighters, Julia Nunes, Jake Shimabukuro, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, Gloria Estefan, Adele, Incubus, Marit Larsen, The Cardigans, Kaiser Chiefs, The Kooks, Silverchair, Sigur Ros, Natalie Cole, Incubus, Shonen Knife, The Ramones, Citizen Cope, The Chemical Brothers, Barbie Almalbis, Common, The Used, Good Charlotte, The Beatles, Michael Buble, Frank Sinatra, Nickleback, Starship, Paramore, Wheatus, The Proclaimers, Fefe Dobson, Lillix, Brittany Murphy, Ally & AJ, Alkaline Trio, and The Carpenters.

I am doing a book kind of about roller derby....?

It's for school about Newton's Laws of Motion. We have to use creative binding and I am not sure what to do for one about roller derby. I was thinking shoelaces to bind it but I'm not sure about the cover. Any help?

Science homework need a lot of help (8th Grade)?

Periodic table, lightest is top left and heavier as you go from left to right and down. There will be a column for non metals and one for metals. Hydrogen is most abundant, potium is in bananas you could cut with a knife and is explosive in water, hydrogen has two protons, 8 is talking about neon, 14 is talking about calcium,15 talks about carbon,17 talks about sulpher

Would you have your son Falcon like that balloon boy? Is it all a show?

Silly name. And yes, total publicity stunt. The father is a delusional narcissist. Sad, especially for the kids.

If you could blink like a genie and make something appear right now, who/what would it be?

A trunk load of unmarked 100 dollar bills. I'd also like a trunk load of British $20 silver coins. Third times the charm, I'll also take a trunk load of Krugerrands.

What are we supposed to call the people we used to call "retarded"?

There is this campaign to end the use of the word "retard" or "retarded" to describe people with mental disabilities. But what are we supposed to call these people? Is removing "retard" from our collective vocabulary political correctness taken to an unhealthy extreme, or is it based on good intentions? I am not trying to deny their humanity, and I believe the "disabled" deserve more respect and better treatment from society.

Where can i find a website for free printable sheet music for piano?

check out a href="" rel="nofollow" they have over 200 free modern piano songs. enjoy!

Scaly dry skin, always tired, cold hands and feet etc?

I recommend that you go to an endocrinologist and get another entire thyroid panel done, rather than just the one that your regular doctor would do. You could be in just the beginning stage of thyroid disease; you just have all of the clic symptoms here. The entire panel should be evaluated by a specialist, in my opinion, before thyroid disease is totally ruled out for you right now, due to all of your symptoms. A physical exam as well by the same specialist would be important for you. An endocrinologist is the kind of MD who specializes in thyroid diseases.

HELP! Windows Vista problem ! This keeps popping up " vaio entertainment import service has stopped working "?

Hello, I know this doesn't answer this question, but you asked me for some guitar help a while ago - I wrote you an e-mail but it said your e-mail address didn't work :( My e-mail address is, please e-mail me with a valid e-mail address and I'll forward you the e-mail I wrote before!

Should politicians be allowed to have second jobs?

If their second job is a paper round, then that's fine by me. If, however, their second job is a non executive director on �250,000 a year for one days work for a company which miraculously secures a contract to supply, for instance, a computer system for some government department or other, then no, definitely not.

How would blizzard compensate me for this?

my account got blocked for no reason and i really wanted to play so I went out and bought a new game and i also bought the expansion pack but right when i activated my new account they unblocked my account and the time on it had already run out so ive got a new game and the expansion pack that i bought because i couldent play before and i have to start all over again do you think if i wright them a buisness letter theyll compensate me on my new account somehow if so how do you think theyll compensate me

Netgear Router Page Pword Problem?

Short and to the point, my router page for Netgear is the normal The username was Admin and the pword was Pword. Starting today I tried to log onto the Router Page to access the settings, and it asked me for the usual username and pword, I typed in the information and pressed enter. The window disappeared for a second and then reappeared a second later asking for the same info. I've tried it 10 times in a row and the window just keeps reappearing until I finally press cancel or navigate away from the page. What could have happened? Does anyone have a possible solution that wouldn't require me to call Tech Support?

My er spaniel carries his ear in his mouth...why?

aww he is so cute, yeah your mom is right it's his pacifier, kind of like how some dogs carry their food dish around (even when they aren't hungry) when their owners come home, it's just their favorite thing to tote around. In his case his ear is easily available haha maybe he likes how soft it is

Becoming a police officer?

I live in Oakland County (Mich) and would like to become a police officer. Do I have to go to a college? Or can just enroll into a police acadamy? It would help if you are and Oakland county police or mich state police...some states have different rules and regulations for this..thankyou Rob

Would you make this trade??

Yes, I would for sure do that trade. Kurt Warner shouldn't even be owned in most leagues in my opinion. Gore is very good, but Steven Jackson is just as good if not better. Coles is a decent fantasy wide receiver that will add depth to your team.

Is Josh Hamilton's HR Derby performance just a foreshadowing for the rest of the season?

Start strong, end tired? Does he have the discipline to take it easy in order to keep a steady pace? We've already seeing him taper off toward the All-star break. Keep in mind this is a guy who's taking his cues from Jesus maybe not his own body or coaches.

Do you use the internal sharpening settings on your DSLR?

I am an amateur. I shoot in manual mode, manual white balance, ISO, etc... I have two Nikon bodies (a D100 and a D40X). I have discovered the "image sharpening" choices in the shooting menus. I am wondering what people who have some experience with this tend to choose. My gut tells me to turn off stuff like that.

Is cycling a tough cl?

I've taken most of the 24 Hour Fitness exercise cles. Yoga, kickboxing etc. but I've heard cycling tops them all. I'm sort of scared >.<

Why was the enlightenment a threat to european monarchies ?

as the first one said. And in general, people smarter, they realize what their govt did, and begin to question it instead suffering like before. :) U see, only when people dumb, the monarchy can rule strong.

Is Karen Hughes concern that torture would harm the U.S. image symptomatic of SS Bush-tanic ethics?

She worried that it MIGHT make use LOOK bad? She showed more concern about how her hair looked. btw, it looked bad. lol

How do I get my dog to stop urine marking inside the house?

Urine-odor removing sprays do not deter him. He is neutered, and he goes outside approx. 5 times a day.

I'm a 17-year-old with a dream, but without the money. ADVICE PLEASE!?

I'm a junior in high school and I really have big dreams for myself. I want to be a private practice psychologist and plan to go very far in school to make this come true. This summer, i want to do an internship with Career Explorations in Chicago for psychology. the only problem is, the tuition is almost $7500. the latest i can have this money by is March. Unfortunately, this is no where near my single mother's price range & with the economy where it is right now, teen jobs are next to impossible (i've literally been looking nonstop for a year). I need help/advice on how to the raise money, and fast. Please, tell me anything you think is helpful!

Is it better to teach children to defend themselves against bullies or teach them to report the bullying ...?

I think you need to teach them self worth and encourage them to be strong enough to ignore bullies. I don't think teaching them to argue or fight can have any benefit and actually turns them into a bully themselves. Yes they should be able to stand up for themselves, but this is possible without the need for fighting. Even a child can learn this. I would also encourage them to tell a parent or teacher. That's what adults are for, to help children become responsible adults who know how to treat each other in a respectful way.

Can Third Culture Kids participate in Student Exchange Programs?

I'm originally from the Philippines, but I have lived in Bangkok, Singapore and Jakarta for most of my life. I'm just wondering, can I still participate in Student Exchange Programs (like the rotary youth exchange program)?

If my pipes were frozen......?

When my pipes got frozen, I called a couple of big burly men, and they came with their magic hoses and thawed them out good. Haven't had a problem since!

Gateway laptop battery problems...?

Purchased computer Dec. 08, have had to replace battery twice, just installed latest one, but read that computer should work without a battery, so I'm wondering if something else is wrong that is causing my batteries to die? The first was replaced by Gateway, this time it was out of warranty, so $140.00 later, I don't want to have this one die. I seldom use the computer using just the battery, normally it's plugged in, could this be the problem? Thank you for any information you can give me.

How do 2 pive aggressive people get along?

My friend and I are both p.a. BAD. We don't speak directly to each other at all to avoid any potential conflict. We email each other only. We are constantly trying to one up each other to be in control. I know that one of us should stop it. But how if that's just how we are? I would try but it freaks me out and makes me feel inferior (helloooo p.a!!) I'm very outgoing and he's introverted b/c of this. so any help would be appreciated! (and we are just friends btw.. totally platonic)

Friday, August 12, 2011

POLL: Who will be the next President of the United States of America?

If people will wake up it will be Ron Paul but it's unlikely people will vote for someone that intelligent who isn't a puppet on a string and believes in upholding the United States Constitution and actually helping our economy.

After all,what do you think about federer?

now that some time has ped from the AO open and all the strong feelings have supprressed,what do u think about him?don't u think we've neglected all his nice parts? not seeing that he named Rafa as the best player at the moment before the final or he apologized for ruining the final,and just seeing that he cried uncontrollably.. not seeing his comments about Sampras,Safin,Rafa,Del-potro(saying that the reason he had only won 3 games when playing roger was that he was not at his best not that roger did great) and just seeing his comment about Jelena (actually not jelena but the ranking sys and he was asked about it) and andy's being the AO favorite( no defend on this one cuz I didn't like it at all!) and not noticing that he was impressed by Rafa's manner and now he has the picture of Rafa hugging him at the final on the first page of his site,and also the article:Nadal leaves little doubt who the world no.1 is...someone in this community went that far to ask if federer had caused murray's disease?!!!!!!!!!!!! ok he sometimes says things that he shouldn't and are not good for his own sake but after all he is not a nasty guy is he?I mean just by seeing his face I can not dislike him.. and the SADDEST thing is that in a question I have from 3 years ago about federer everyone had applauded his manner on court,but now we don't even care about it,do we? I mean if he gets a - point for not being able to collect himself and crying does he still get his + point for collecting himself on court and having a placid demeanorr? what's your idea? would he be treated the same if he had won the last set? tnx for your patience on reading this and for respectful answers

What is "vaulting ambition"?

In Shakespear's Macbeth, Macbeth speaks of his "vaulting ambiion" to kill Duncan. What does it mean to have a "vaulting ambition"?

Left 4 Dead 2 Question!!!??? Steam players?

Hey there, i have recently been playing the demo for Left 4 Dead 2 and i love it. I was wondering if the voice of Nick is the actor Hugh Dillon or if it is some one completely different? Could someone put my mind to rest about this?

I am having really bad gas?

My is vibrating a lot when I toot, and it is really killing the mood. I'm trying to have some here, not just fart all night like an irishman. What do I do, guys? Can I like, poke a hole in my intestine to relieve pressure? I have a crochet needle.

Who are the parents of John W. Harden b. 1837 d. 1889 Kentucky (later Clay Co. Ind) He m. Jenny Crawley?

The most likely candidate in the 1880 census is John W Harden married to Jenney, living in Posey, Clay, Indiana. Born 1837 in Kentucky, parents born Virginia and Kentucky. Going back to the 1850 census with this information, his parents were probably G. W. Harden, b.1806 in Virginia, and Ann, b.1817 in Kentucky.

Can you learn all these computer stuff in only 3 months?

I'd have to say it depends how bad you want it. Study your brains out, ask lots of questions. learn everything you can off the internet, videos, tutorials, whatever, maybe take an online cl if you can, volunteer to be an apprentice somewhere'll get out what you put in..look for opportunitites to learn if you want to learn fast and just immerse yourself in the topic day and night. Wake up thinking about networks..go to sleep thinking about networks..become obsessed...

HEY!!should i start the jets d/st vs the pats or the ravens d/st vs the steelers?

Look I've been a jets fan my whole life but what I have seen Brady do is scary. Against anybody else I would start the Jet's D but in this case I would put my money on raven vs steelers, Worthlessberger is no star player this year either.

Daughter discovered how to take off her clothes. Now thats all she does!! How to make her stop doing this!?

My daughter is one and half and she knows how to take off all her clothes now and fast! Ill turn my back at the store for just a few seconds and she will have her shirt taken off in the cart! Anytime she is out of my sight for more than 30 seconds she comes back NAKED! She wakes up completely naked, and then cries when i put her pj's back on. Like right now, she is getting so mad because i pinned her shirt to her pants so she cant keep taking her clothes off! sad, i know... any way to stop this?!

Will the world end on May 21 2011 and what will happen to the money?

According to Harold Egbert Camping of Family the world will end on May 21 2011. I'm certain the little old ladies are emptying their bank accounts to buy the first rapture to be first in line at the pearly gates. So If they wake up on the 22nd poor, cold and S.O.L will Family radio refund the cost of the ticket? Will the other Christians come to their aid or just call them fools that trusted in another false prophet that cheated them of their life savings? Is there a special place in hell for Harold or will he get the same hot seat as a common thief?

HC 161.05 00 **TOP CHARGE*Violation, 1 count, Arrest charge,-?

i looked up my background for criminal records and this came up what does this mean? it says its still pending and this was back in November 2008 ...anyone know please help thanks

Proper translation of "Faith in one's self" in Latin?

I took Latin in High School and I was thinking about getting a tattoo of the phrase, "Faith in one's self". Now, from what I remember the "one's self" probably would be some form of "ego" to show it in the singular possessive form of "I"? Since the use of the phrase is for a permanent placement, I'd really want to make sure that the grammatical use of it is correct. Thanks!

Do dogs ever snuggle?

And what kind of breeds do so? Would the maltese be one of them? Cause they're what i'm looking to get. Thanks! :)

Non-Mormons, do you understand we NEVER taught dark skin was a curse?

So the old prophets were racist (in all religions) and that's ok, is it? How come god used all these prophets but failed to inform them that all men should be treated equally? Or did this god come to that conclusion only recently? Do you think it was Martin Luther King maybe who convinced god that black people should not be treated differently? Get rel, think about what you are saying! Think about your religion, which is the most contrived, baseless religion EVER! Apart from the Scientologists, who are just one step below you, and are malign!

OMG..............HELP! idk what to do! 10 POINTS BEST ANSWER?!?

DEFIANTLY tell a administrator, or a teacher that you really trust. When ever something that that happenes, don't take it, if the teacher is more than wrong, walk out of there and go to the office and tell them what happened. They will deal with it, if they don't, demand a cl change. Do what the people on the news do, RECORD you crazy teachers in the act! That will get them in ALOT of trouble.

Poll: Do you believe that liberals advocate government sanctioned charity for the less fortunate?

No, liberals do not advocate "government sanctioned charity" and never have. The true liberal agenda is universal cooperative social participation and benefit. It does not involve "taking something away from one and giving it to another" as conservatives so incorrectly yet stubbornly insist. It involves nothing more than inclusion and protection of contributory value. The conservative idea that liberty is "not a guarantee of success" is patently absurd and logically self-cancelling - If the conservative proposes a 'free' society in which 'success is not guaranteed' then my response is, No thanks, I'll take my chances with weapons instead because your proposal is no more favorable than that and I would rather lose fighting than lose incapacitated at your game playing by your rules.

Where have all the anti-war and peace songs gone?

Think about it. The country is bogged down in a mively unpopular war that has cost over 4,000 american lives, there are mive protests, (though the media doesn't seem to acknowledge them), like the march on the pentagon in early 2006, an economy that's going down the drain, unemployment, global warming, and the current presidential election. All of this is going on, and yet musicians in the mainstream area of music don't seem to pay any heed to any of it. Do they not care, or are the music companies just keeping them silent? I know there's a Ton of underground and indie bands that are speaking out against these issues, but the current system refuses to acknowledge their presence in the music scene. What's your thoughts on this? Keep your answers respectful. Thanks, peace.

What song are you listening to right now?

Sounds unreal but l am listening to Lonnie Donnegan singing -- Does your chewing gum loose its flavour on the bedpost overnight.Recorded in 1962.Rock on Lonnie.

Have you ever been abducted by the greys?

Do you remember any details of your abduction experience? Did they force you to mate with any of their kind? Were you probed at all? Have you been abducted more than once?

Evaluate the following statement Below..Economics?

Expansionary fiscal and monetary policies should be fairly unsuccessful in dealing with structural unemployment.

Homemade nuclear bomb?

I was looking at what element isotopes were fissile or not and I found a list of critical mes and I remembered that americium 241 was in small amounts in smoke detectors, then I got to thinking...could you just Break into a smoke detector factory and steal 80 pounds of americium 241 and make a sphere of it and surround with high explosives and make a cell phone detonator for it? Is it really that easy for a terrorist to do?

VENTILATION for a gas boiler and 2 hot water heaters?

A 100,000 BTU gas boiler for a heating system and two 80 gallon hot water heaters are located in a basement. This is not a question about the exhaust vents into the chimney. It is a question about adequate air flow for the combustion. Right now there is an opening into an alley with bars and screening to let the air in. It is rather large as at one time the location housed a gigantic coal furnace. The opening is a problem because of rain, cold and pests. I would like to seal it and replace with one or two 4" PVC pipes leading to the outside attached to two 4" dryer vents installed in reverse, i.e. to let air in rather than out. The pipes would be about 4 to 5 feet long each with a loop at the top to keep the rain out. Do you think two 4" vents would be adequate to ventilate the systems and provide sufficient air flow?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How do I file a trademark?

The word you are looking for is 'Copyright'. Copyrights are filed with the U.S. Patent Office, same as written words.

Topical Use of Lycopene?

Good afternoon all. I know of the many benefits of lycopene when ingested but am wondering if applied topically can it repair sun damaged skin?

Outfit ideas for Angela Webber at Barnes and Noble

I'm going to a Breaking Dawn release party at BN and I had been planning on going as Bella for the longest time. About an hour ago I changed my mind and decided to go as Angela. Does anyone have any ideas on a very general idea of what i should wear and how I should do my hair and stuff to look like her. Please note that I can't go out and buy anything, I don't have time. Thanks!

Does Puppy Boost by Newborn Animal Care (FRANCE) help alleviate demodex in dogs?

My English Bulldog suffers from demodex. We brought her to the vet for treatment (ivermectin and dips)which was very expensive, she was cured but had a relapse. This time around we are giving her Ivermectin injections (we know the correct dosage and administration), bathe her with amitraz soap. The amitraz seemed to aggravate the demodex as it would turn scarlet after the bath and we found the amitraz to be extremely toxic and harsh. That was the last amitraz bath. Since then we have been giving her neem leaves with her food and soaking her in neem tea, we had also been rubbing fresh aloe vera (straight from the plant) on the demodex and we have also been giving her puppy boost. Her condition improved drastically overnight. Which of these treatments do you think did the trick? So next time we don't have to do so many things. Thanks!

Since this latest pet food recall, should these companies?

maybe consider NOT importing ingredients for pet food and maybe, just maybe, start buying things manufactured here? So what if it's cheaper to get it from overseas or Canada - look at the money that the pet food companies that used that tainted wheat gluten will shell out now in damages plus loss of use of product - because who the heck will buy their product again. I will never trust them. Thank God I didn't buy any of it. The brand I use was fine - so far that is. You never know. And what is scary, that stuff is used for human consumption also.

What do Libertarians contribute to the political debate?

they contribute by pointing fingers at both parties and calling us stupid. i see nothing useful coming from Libertarians.

How Do I get a guy I like to leave his girlfriend?

I know it sounds selfish but I'm confused. See this guy has cheated on his gf before but he told her and he loves her and stuff, but one day we were talking and he said he loves me and sometimes he'll say "I know this may sound bad, but I wish you came along first" then he says he's confused and he doesn't know who he wants to be with. Then one day I went to his house and I know this may sound kinda slutty...but... we made out on his couch and almost had and I stopped it and said we couldn't because he has a gf he stopped sorta after sighing and stuff and he said that he totally forgot about her(which sometimes he says while we're talking and I usually mention he has a gf when he comes up with an idea). I then asked him if he would ever cheat on me and he told me no, and then I asked if he would cheat on his gf again and he said he probably would. He said he couldn't cheat on me because it would kill him because I have gone through way too much already. Then I told him that I didn't wanna intervene with him and his gf anymore so I was going to stop talking to him. Then he was talking to one of my friends and she heard him sharpening his blade and loading his gun and she asked him what he was planning on doing and he said he wanted to kill himself because he wanted me in his life bc without me he couldn't live or what ever. So I called him later(after he cut himself on his chest) and I told him I'd talk to him. Anyways I would really appreciate some help THANKS!

Trade possibilities to get Alex Gordon?

Like everyone else says...why the HELL would you be trying to get alex gordon? He's boarderline decent, you can find 20 players better on the waivers almost guarenteed. And dont go for Hill either...he sucks. Try and get mclouth since he's on the bench for some reason. He's got a good set at OF and yours is shakey.

OMG HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Okay so I told my mom if I could go to this catholic school and she told me yes but I have to wear uniform, so today my mom bought the uniform and it was soo ugly!!! I didn't think it would be that bad!! what do I do!!! its a white collar shirt, green vest, green tie, black pants, and black shoes! EWWW WTF! and its way too big! OMG!! UGHH How can I convince my mom to not take me to that school?!!

How to loose muscles/fat on my thighs?

You look just fine to me. I think a lot of guys would agree that you don't need to change anything about the way your thighs look. Or any other part or your anatomy.

Can anyone recommend places to travel in europe?

Travel through eastern europe (the balkans basically). Go through croatia, macedonia, bulgaria, hungary, romania, slovenia, serbia, and bosnia-hercegovina. Eastern europe is rich in culture and histrory and I'm sure that you'll enjoy it. I know i did.

Do you think Bush's book will say this?

He will try to justify mistakes, that will be the purpose of his book besides gaining some money and his dignity back.

Depressed and can't feel happy about anything anymore?

I hate feeling like people are judging me.. even when I know, really, that they're not. The things you look forward to (but then stop) do you go to them or do them in the end Because if you don't then maybe going to them and doing them will change your outlook... If you do and still don't enjoy them then I have no ideas what you should do... I can understand not wanting to have to tell my parents, so maybe you should try online-help websites, with proffesionals? Or you could call help lines? If you feel constantly depressed though, I would suggest definitely telling your parents and getting professional help.

How do I MAKE (not buy) a Hinata Hyuga shippuden Jacket? Newby cosplayer here... Help?

I'm trying to make a Hinata Hyuga Shippuden cosplay. I have everything except the jacket... Does anyone here know where I can find a good tutorial for it? And what material do you think I should make it out of? I can't decide between cotton or a thin fleece. I've made most of the costume already so I don't want to buy the jacket... Here is a reference picture if anyone needs it! a href=",r:5,s:0&tx=42&ty=37" rel="nofollow"…/a I'd really appreciate any help at all on this. I can't find a tutorial anywhere xD

Can anyone check for grammar errors in my paragraph?

all looks legit to me. Although in the last line it should be politicians. Looks good and I learnt something x

Hi, i desperately require a flue wall terminal for a chaffoteaux and maury combi boiler, can any one help?

ive tried every supplier possible, cant get one, do u have one kicking about i can buy or advise where i can get one, thx

I'm in DEP for the NAVY right now, I leave in about ten days. Could I get out to finish college first?

So, I was feeling burnout on school back in October. I visited a recruited to check out my options and he pushed me towards the DEP program. I'm supposed to leave this month. I was a biology/ chemistry major before hand and I had about 100 credits. I was looking online at payroll and such and realized it'd probably be much smarter if I were to finish school first. I thought of finishing while i was in, but I could not find any upper level science courses offered online (most require a lab portion anyways). All I could find were General Education courses (which I already have a lot of). Does it seem like it would be a major issure if I were to put off my DEP to finish my degree first?

Do you know of anybody who uses the excuse of constant prayer to avoid doing work?

I do not mean a Martha and Mary situation but, one who doesn't even clean their own house or bathe or anything. I think sometimes this can be used for an excuse for sloth. What is your feeling on this?

Crocheting.... where to put the stitch?

I just finished making a blanket that i had to do rows (meaning when i got to the end of the row i would turn) now i have to put a border on that is rounds . My problem is that i don't know where to put the stitch going down the sides of the blanket.

Would you name your daughter a hard to pronounce name?

My Mexican Sociology teacher named his baby daughter "Tonaltzintli" which means sun in the Aztec language!

In your opinion, what are the best and worst airlines and airports worldwide?

what do you think of BA. worst airline i would have to say is Egypt air, so much hle with them oh and turkish airlines. my fav bmi, oh and ive gotta say loganair or my flatmates will hate me(theyre pilots for thm), eastern airways is annoying with its not ful refund policy on any tickets, flybe is ok but not that cheap anymore. klm is good to dubai, houston, so is BA. Emirates to australia good.

Ladies who had been menopause at the age of 41?

I have heard of people who are younger that have gone through menopause. If you are concerned about the changes, then go to your doctor.

Calculate horizontal distance (precalc)?

Just so you can see if your answer is correct, it looks like the distance is between 4500 and 5000 feet

Dirk N. & Rip Hamilton for Nash & SJackson? (12-team, H2H)?

If you can get Dirk then do it. A slight downgrade at SF after that trade but not much. Nash may take a dive down this year with the new offense they're running in Phx. Deron should be back soon and can be used at point. Insert Nate into your Guard spot. Id probably look for another option than Damp though. He wont do much this year. Maxiell? Etan Thomas?

Guinea Pig's All Wet?

My brothers guinea pig Rosie's is all wet but it has been this way for several days. He gave her a bath and we washed her bottom but it wont go away. He cleans her cage once a week and she eats normally. Her poops are solid so she doesn't have diarrhea. Any suggestions?

Dash Lights no longer work after install?

I just installed a Kenwood KDC X794 deck into my 2004 Toyota Rav4. On the harness there was an orange illumination/dimmer wire that I was able to connect to the Kenwood Deck. It is working as designed with the deck dimming as the car lights are turned on. The problem is now the lights that illuminate the A/C controls when you turn on the front headlights are not working (thankfully the A/C & heat work fine). It is weird because the dash lights, cigarette lighter, and other dash lights all work and respond to the dimmer knob. For some reason the A/C control lights stopped working. I checked all the fuses and they are good to go (all the other dash lights work and I ume all those are on the same circuit). Is it possible that those lights are in some way connected through the factory radio? I can't think of anything else to try. Everything works great accept for those few little lights. Any suggestions would be helpful. Please advise.

Are Sri Lanka's all three matches like semi finals? For Lankan team.?

It's almost like semi finals, but Sri Lanka should play all the up coming matches as finals if they want to win.

My dog ate chocolate..... ?

I work at a chocolate store and we sell dipped dog bones. Our dog bones are dipped in white chocolate which is actually just a confectioners sugar. Dogs are okay to have this because there is no chocolate liquor in the white chocolate which is what makes them sick. If you have the package still I would check out the ingredients and try to see if it says anything about chocolate liquor. Also, my dog has eaten a whole pan of brownies and she was fine. I know you are worried but just relax and try to monitor her over night and see if there is any change in her behavior. If not, you can still take her to the vet in the morning but I wouldn't worry too too much about it. Good luck!!!

How can I observe cells using a microscope?

Most people use a simple dye such as metheylene blue. The cells need to be on a slide and stained.... then you just look at them.

Trigonometry question with non right angle triangles??? PLEASE HELP?

that's actually really easy. Set up your triangle with

What are some of your favorite MRE'S?

my husbands fave is the veggie burger. he wouldnt even heat it up. he slao told me the the gum is a laxative. i don't know if the is true or not.

Gas fireplace question?

My house has a gas fireplace, but even with the flu closed, cold air comes in. Is there something I can put in the fireplace that will keep the air from coming through?

What is the point of mark twain's satire?

Although satire is usually meant to be funny, the purpose of satire is not primarily humor in itself so much as an often quite angry attack on something the author strongly disapproves, using the weapon of wit.

PLEASE!! My friend was murdered...?

My friend was murdered 3 years ago by John K Harvey, 28, in Loudon Co, TN. He was only sentenced to probation because of a plea bargain based on lies. I found out today that he has violated his probation and is currently in jail with no bond. A court date is set for Wednesday. How do I find out what he did to violate his probation?

What do you think of the name David Allan Morris?

the first name has to be David. That's my husbands deceased uncles name. What do you think of the spelling?

Can anyone help me with my Pok�mon team? This team is for the story mode, and not for competitive play.?

Try to see if you can replace the Pidgeotto. Those are some weird pokemon, I've never heard of them. Then again I only own the orginal Pokemon red.

Chet atkins anyone know any other "forgotten" legends?

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Who's less of an American Rosie O'Donnell or Paris Hilton?

Considering that all Hilton does is make money, which is capitalism and all O'Donnell does is hate the government and say they did 9/11, I would have to say Rosie.

Guy friend help?

Just confront the issue, if his is confused and wondering what happen, then tell him.... he is confused about feeling running through his head and possiblely his heart.. Ask him whats the problem, cause your attemting to make contact and he"s not then he is confused or scared.. Be professional when asking but be firm and to the point. Hold your head up and say whats the damn issue about and go forward...

Why do you guys think that adrian peterson will have a big game against titans?

Im getting realy mad bcuz stupid ppl think that adrian peterson of the vikings will have a big game against the best defense in the league are u serious? he freaking struggled last week and u guys think hes gonna do good. and who the hell is gus freakin ferrote or whatever his name is


Why did Leonardo da vinci use the golden ratio, and whats so important about it, being used in his art work ? please dont send links to websites, text would be better?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How do the NFL playoffs really work?

I have freinds that say the Packers still have a chance to play Atlanta on the 15th. If you go to and look at the brackets they have set up, it would appear that only the winner of the Seahawks and Saints game would be playing ATL on the 15th. I am confused as to how Packers would have a chance to play when their bracket says they would be playing the Bears... SO CONFUSED!

Do you guys know a theme the scarlet letter and the outsiders share?

a universal theme the outsiders and the scarlet letter share? although it may be presented in different ways or by different elements, whats one common theme the two books share? thank you much. any helpful answers are appreciated.

What is up with all these deaths?

I gotta be may seem a bit crazy but some people just can't bring themselves to look at the big picture. This past year i have had very similar thoughts and experiences. I have no idea what the deal is but I do not feel it's normal. I suddenly have more sick, dead friends and relatives than ever. Constantly visiting someone in the hospital, lots of cancer, surgeries. theses are on young people mostly!

What was the name of the old UK TV show, where aliens lived in a marrow (that was their spaceship) in a garden

whist this "TV show " was on was your Mum smoking anything that looked like a home made cigar?

Why does my crush always sign off on me?

may be he doesn't wanna chat with you...from next time onwards you don't reply to his IM and then see the difference...if he signs out in the same way, then ignore him for the rest of the time...and if he stays and chats with you, then you know what to do next!!!

How to implement a C/C++ Program into real circuit ?

I am able to write c program say for stepper motor control . But if i want to make a circuit using exact algorithm of my program how should i start? How do i know what component to use? How do i know what capacitor & resistor is to be used ?

Pls help me...pls do something...i want to the answer..?

when prisoners under sentence of death are given the choice between life in prison and execution,99 per cent of them choose life imprisonment.Since one is most deterred by what one most fear,it is evident that the threat of the death penalty is more likely to deter most potential murdeers than is the threat of life imprisonment.....

Nicole Richie Picture?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

BFN:-( I am only 6dpo. What do ya'll think?ANSWER are apprecited!?

Alright. I had 2 HPT & I just HAD to take a test b/c a friend of mine sd that she get a BFP @ 6dpo w/ her first child. Even though RARE I had to just see!!! I know that sometimes implantation does not even happen until 6-12dpo. Has anyone out there taken a test @ 6dpo recieved a BFN & then tested again @ either 12 or 14dpo & recieved a BFP???!

I'm trying to decide on a tattoo that I want to get?

I'm wanting to get something done that is a lyric from my favorite artist, Elton John. It needs to be something that is less than 10 words and I do not want it to be a big hit song either. I have been listening to each album through and through but still have come to nothing. My two favorite album is Madman Across The Water... but haven't found anything at all... I am also tempted to find a Gaga lyric or even possibly a George Michael one... but I feel Gaga would be too common... Please give me some help please!!!

Could I write a notable inmate(Larry Hoover) at Florence ADX federal prison in Colorado?

I'm doing a cl project about gang violence in Chicago and I hoping I get a response from Mr. Hoover basically saying that gang violence isn't the way to live. Is it possible would they let him see my letter or no? Would they let him write me back?

White blood cells, monocytes lymphocytes mildly raised and monocytes normal?

well, monocytes is part of white blood cells and if it raised, it means that there is infection in your body because it is your immune system. Lymphocytes also part of the immune system (i think) which also mean infection. well, if from the result your GP is not really concern that you should not concern also. other sign of infection is high body temperature, have you experience this ?

How can i dry my fringe?

Round brush, medium heat... hold the blow dryer closer to the brush as you pull it through the hair, moving the blower with your hair in one long smooth motion. Continue until try.

Synthesis problem what is the answer?

the synthesis of a large collection of information that contains well-tested and verified hypotheses about certain aspects of the natural world is known as the scientific

Silver vs. Chloride ion in solution?

Silver ion reacts with chloride ion in solution to form a precipitate AgCl. What would happen to the color of a dilute solution containing FeCl4(-) if I added a solution containing silver ion?

Crotch area of jeans uncomfortable?

I'm a girl, and in any pair of jeans, if I put them up to right below my belly on, it feels very uncomfortable on my crotch when i'm walking, but if i don't take it up high, i get a baggy backside from it!! i'm starting 8th grade tomorrow, and i need help with this!! i don't like the material poking me in the crotch when i walk!! what should i do? (I also like to keep it a little higher because of a little muffin top problem i'm taking care of; my jeans also have kind of low crotch's)

Rubik's cube copyright issues?

If I were to sell an application that solves Rubik's cubes, would that infringe any copyright laws? Would it still infringe on any copyright laws if it were free? If I wanted to use certain algorithms to solve the Rubik's cube that I found online, would that infringe copyright laws? Thank You.

Where can I meet girls my type?

I am 19 looking for pale skinned blue eyed girls ranging from 5' to 5'5 that are intellectual, thin, non-religious, feminist, funny, ambitious, supportive, cheap dates, at most moderately neurotic, emotionally straightforward, talkative, polite, ually and romantically inclined, between 17 and 21, and even tempered. Where oh where can they be?

Why am I so upset by relationships that end?

Research has established that next to the death of a loved one is a break in a relationship. An average person takes a little over two years to process with many regressions involved. We never forget, but the constant intense pain is over. From what I can tell, you are very normal. Only live people feel pain, it is a sign of recovery

If you could pick only seven of these language to magically learn, which ones would you choose?

I already speak 8 of the languages on that list, but I'd love to add Hungarian, Thai, Vietnamese, Ukrainan, Chinese (either Cantonese or Mandarin), Swahili and Finnish (I already speak a bit of it, but I'd like to learn it better).

My 1993 BMW 318is has the transmission fail safe light on...Why?

Charging system ok. Drain and Filled Transmission Fluid. Checked ABS Modules and MAF Sensor. Tried to do pedal dance trick for code didnt work. Someone put a push on start on it and theres no BMW Key... Could that be my problem?

How to get jrock hair without backcombing/teasing?

Sorry to break it to you but the only way to get the results that you want is by teasing your hair. However you can try a shitload of gel or hairspray, but then again the chemicals in hairspray / gel have potential to dry out your hair and may actually be worse than teasing it, that and I doubt it will give you the results you desire. If there was a magic way to style your hair like that without the damage no one would tease their hair.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I eat way too much...?

Here is the situation. I eat like a small army. By that I mean, i'm 176lbs and 6ft tall, and I eat at least 3x what i should in one sitting. Example: breakfast: 3 chickens biscuits from hardeez and half gallon of OJ, Lunch: 2 footlong over roasted chicken breats from subway and a ton of water, Dinner: 16oz prime rib and 2 baked potatoes with more water....this is not to mention my pb and j snacks throughout the day. Point being, i am 20 years old and i'm frankly going broke trying to feed myself everyday. What can i do to remedy my huge freakin appetite ? My wallet and I would greatly appreciate any help.

ART! What the names of famous painters/artists that used grids?

Some guy wants to argue that grids were not used by great master artists like Da Vinci and others. who were the other greats that used or use grids? Please name them all so I can put this in his face!

Why is it considered improper to ask about someone's political views?

Talking about politics almost always leads to vicious arguments. To keep things civilized it is often better to keep to safe topics. Miss Manners/Post probably have more to say about that.

What have people got against Obama? and why is Bush better?

After having Bush in for 8 years I thought you lot would be happy having someone in office who isn't a drink driving, coke headed illiterate. Everyone else in the world is happy about it. So tell me, why was Bush better?

Is this RAM compatible with my computer?

Go to a href="" rel="nofollow" to find the right ram!

Has CSI gone downhill?

Does anyone else think CSI has gone downhill since Grissom (William Peterson) left? Am I the only one? I'm not that into it now and it's a shame because it's one of my favourite shows.

Will the make a fourth chronicles of narnia movie?

I just watched the voyage of dawn treader and at the end they said they wont be coming back. If I remember correctly at the end of the second one they said they wont be coming back but, they mad a third movie.Do you think they will make a fourth movie?

How long do sperm cells survive outside the human body?

I'm interested in looking at them under a microscope. It will probably take me about 1 hour between the time I... ummm.. "collect" them and the time I will be able to get to the lab at school.

Do the Chinese people do or have crossword puzzles ? >?

I was wondering IF and HOW the Chinese people do crosswords, their writen language does not lend itself to crossword puzzles.

My boyfriend and I are on the brink of a break up but I DON'T WANT IT TO END!?

My boyfriend and I were texting and we haven't been so perfect latley and I told him I was worried. He asked why and I said I'm scared of losing you and I don't want us to fall apart and he said "no" and then I asked what that meant and then he just said my name and I said "yes?" and he asked if I really liked him and I said of course I do do you like me and then he said that I didn't have to like him so much. And then now I'm sobbing and then I told him I want to fix us and he said it'll be hard until after christmas. I don't know what to do! I haven't done anything! I don't want any other guy I want HIM! I love him. He's my first love. The only boy I've ever kissed... He's so much to me and I can't let him go.He seems so desperate to break up with me.

I ruined my relationship and I want to fix it. help?

You need to see a counselor. Not about getting back with the love of your life but for yourself, your anxieties, your insecurities. Unless you deal with those issues first, you can forget about Chris. What steps you take now will govern your pathway for the rest of your life. r

Why wont he commit to me?

Could be any number of reasons - maybe he hasn't the capacity to trust, maybe he's just not that into you, maybe he has a dark evil secret and he doesn't want to lose you, maybe he's just got used to you but doesn't want to give any more of himself. No idea. If you're not satisfied, are you prepared to lose what you have to address it? If you move on you're opening a space for someone else to fill (maybe more suitable, maybe not, maybe no one at all?), if you accept things as they are, then you accept things as they are. Good luck.

Did you install your Sirius radio in your car? How hard was it?

It was very difficult, and the wires came loose and the radio wouldn't every sit on the dash without falling off.

How can i get my chinese water dragon to eat whole prey food items?

I have read that a chinese water dragon should be offered whole prey, but mine will not eat anything that is not moving. I have tried dangling frozen-thawed pinkie mice but he is uninterested. Is there any way I can get him to eat them? Is it possible to feed him live whole prey, or would this be dangerous?

What are some soft sounding disney songs that could be used for lullabies?

I'm making a mix CD of lullabies to play for my daughter. I'm looking for songs like "Belle Notte", "La La Lu", "Beauty and The Beast", Y'know, soft, lovely, clic, Disney songs. Any suggestions?

Do you think that English should be the official language?

it should be English because its what the founding fathers spoke, its what our presidents speak, its what all the LEGAL citizens speak, its what all the successful working men and women speak, and its what we are going to speak for the rest of the history of the U.S.A

Why did my chihuahua pee on my baby?

A week or so after we brought our brand new baby girl home, my chi peed on the baby when I wasn't looking. Another thing, if I leave the master bedroom open, he will climb on the bed and will poop or pee on my husbands side of the bed but not mine. The dog is very attached to my husband but not me. Any idea why he does this?

Strange dream about bugs?

You feel that a trivial problem is going to get out of control on you and you may not have 3what it takes to overcome it

Recent song played in Wet Seal?

the singer was a female...kind of sounded like fergie or pink. the chorus said "im sick and tired of relationships"...or somthing like that. it was an upbeat song. PLLLEASE anyone know what it is?? i loved it...

2008 Explorer word from Insurance's been 60 days?

As Mbrcatz advised call your agent and ask him to follow up for you. The company should be providing you with a rental car until the settlement offer has been made. If they do not respond to the agent, call the regional office and ask to speak to the Claim Manager and explain the delays and demand action. They should have completed their investigation and settlement by now.

Getting a job teaching english in colombia?

hello, i just recently graduated high school here in the states and starting community college in 1 month. I want to know what are the requirements for me to get a job in Colombia teaching english. I was born in Colombia but i know both english and spanish very well. Any helps thanks

Can you believe the price of propane?

Just filled my 500 gallon tank and it cost me nearly $1000! Why? 5 years ago I could fill it for under $500.

Best time management freeware?

what is a good time management software? i need something that tracks things by importance, time due etc and can easily group/management a large set of tasks

Need the MLA format and example... where can i find this?

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Why do rich Islamic countries allow fellow muslims to starve?

Saudi arabia, kuwait etc have much wealth yet the leaders of these countries keep it all to themselves. Their fellow muslims in poor countries around the world starve whilst they live in luxury. Saudi arabia the home of Islam should be ashamed of itself.

What are some stores online like Delia's, Alloy and Fred Flare?

I shop at forever21's online store all the time. =] I love their clothes and they aren't that expensive.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What is a nervous breakdown?

in my twenties i went through a really bad time and i couldnt sleep for months it was the most scariest time of my life. I couldnt think straight had no friends and had lost my job i had been taking drugs for a while and lost contact with these people who also worked beside me i walked out. I was hanging out with a girl who was i beleive mentally ill as she was strange but as she was my only friend apart from people who were taking drugs when i walked out on my job i never contacted these people again but it was really difficult for me as these people were my identity and when i lost them i felt i lost myself . T o let you understand i was always a good girl who never rebelled at school but as i got older i rebelled i started going out at weekends all the time it was a time when some people i knew took drugs but i never touched them till i was in another job where at first i didnt fit in as i was so quiet and they were the oppisite. I guess it was a mixture of curiosity as id never done it before and fitting in to be a part of something (like i said i had only one crazy friend) i really did enjoy the experience but at times i overdone it i was scared for my life thats when i decided to not do it again i didnt even have a dependancy on the drugs it was just being popular and feeling part of that type of group as at before i felt a bit square as id never done things like that my mum didnt have a clue but after walking out on job i still had high feelings even though i wasnt taking any drugs it was like i was still acting the way i was when i was and the way the people were. But it was the worst time for me as i felt i had nothing no job no friends nothing. I was finding it very difficult to sleep i guess i began to not trust myself id been reading self help books i ended up seeing a duff guy who treated me badly he slept with me and was really nasty after i ended up telling my mum as i used to tell her everything and she pure flipped saying i was stupid. I felt really alone as i had no friends and at the time felt my mum hated me she treated me with distain ib felt really ashamed of myself. She then tryed to help me as i was so depressed by making suggestions but they all felt no good as i was so low i went with one of her suggestions as i didnt know what to do i wasnt sleeping at all she asked what i wanted wiv my life my carrer i could only think of one thing so she suggested i c a friend who i hadnt seen for ages and turn up at her door now i didnt feel comfortable wiv this as we hadnt spoke in a while and i wasnt really sure i wanted to but as i felt all my decisions were going wrong i didnt trust myself and felt i needed her inpact. i was nervous all the way b 4 i went 2 c her as she is a judgemetal person when i did get 2 her house i was so uncomfortble i didnt know how to be myself i started spraffing on like the way i did on drugs trying to seem ok but it was so uncomfortable i left early as i was walking down the road i felt this fear inside of and this question inside my head "who am i?" and i felt so lost and scared when i got home i felt weird i didnt even feel right round my family it was like in that split second i didnt know who i was felt i didnt feel close to my family i felt they were strangers like i felt paranoid and didnt know how to speak to them after this episode i couldnt sleep for months and i dont mean a few hours here and there i mean LITERALLY DIDNT SLEEP A WINK! I talked with my mum eventually telling about this and that i thiught something was wrong with me she told me if i think like that there will be but anyways i learnt ways to block my feelings out being scared for no reason but i feel my life i live is just taking each day as it comes but feel its going nowhere i fear this may happen again i just wondered if that was a mental breakdown or what caused all this i have went to the doctors and i hve been put on tablets for depression but i dont know if they understand the full extent. i dont know if the reason 4 rebellion was my mum was so strict and she always tried to tell me what to do and what to say or if its for that reason i had felt i couldnt tust my own decisions and the one time i tryed i screwed up. I STILL live at home even though im in my thirtues and worry it will happen again and i cant cope

What is WRONG with me...........!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!…

You are fine! Imaginary friends are normal At Any age. This has NOTHING to do with being schizophrenic. You have the mind of a writer. A big imagination. Use your big imagination and write a book ! E-mail me when your book is out in stores. I'll read it. :)

Were there sightings by other nations when Jesus ascended into the sky towards heaven?

We don't know. Just like today, people of the past were worried about living another day, and not as keen on preserving stuff for the next generation to come. Same as today, huh? BTW, for the person that changed Rome, Ivlivs Caesar (Gaius Julius), we are lucky we have what we do have. No one thought to write down everything about him and his family. I would like to know what his daughter looked like....and Octavian's too for that matter!

Do you see anything wrong with being Pro Death Penalty and Pro Choice?

Wrong, an abortion does not terminate a human life. It terminates an embryonic stage of development that could not survive in the world by it's self.

This is my summerslam card rate it 4 2 things rivarly build up and match

not bad, dont think there be that many matches, too many for just 3 hours, Cena wont be in a street fight 2 ppv's in a row, otherwise i like it.

Why does america hate Hugo Chavez?

Because he kicked american influence out of his country? Or because he stole oil profits from american interests? Or both?

If I finish this comic Peter Action and it makes a hit, will Capcom permits to make PA vs Capcom game?

I understand on the last bonehead question, plus Ryu would look funny with a fatality. I'm really working on a comic name Peter Action and I just hope this will make it and I'm planning make more series and adding some more of hero like ninja warriors(not just for Peter Action but many other stories like spiderman story, then xmen story). I just hope it becomes a cartoon and a video game. Peter is my mascot. I'm working on a strip before making a book of it, because I just wanna see how interesting and popular this may be.

How do I set Microsoft Office Word 2007 for an MLA format paper?

The margins and all that I understand for the most part, but when I try to set a header (IE Smith 1) at the top right of my page, I cannot get it to be sequential, like Smith 1 on page 1, Smith 2 on page 2, and so on. If I change it on one page, Word changes it automatically on ALL pages.

Why are evangelicals so full of vile hatred?

when talking about other religions. they call them cults, satan worshippers etc. i thought christianity was supposed to be about peace and love yet evangelicals are the first to scream we should the nuke the middle east. why the hatred?

Is this a possible JBL and Shawn Michaels storyline?

Okay at the Royal Rumble JBL defeats John Cena for the WHC with a little help from Shawn Michaels. Cena is angry and challenges Shawn to a match. Vince comes out and says that this match will not be happening tonight but next week on Raw and says that tonight Cena will face JBL for the world title. If Shawn Michaels interferes he is fired. JBL retains the title after cheating by hitting him with the title belt. The next week Kane defeats Chris Jericho for #1 contendership to the world title. Than Vince comes out and announces the participants for the elimination match. John Cena vs Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton vs CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio vs Shawn Michaels. JBL tells Vince that Shawn Michaels will not be in the Elimination match under the direct order of his boos me. Vince than tells JBL that he is his boss and if he tries to get Shawn to lose than he will be stripped of the title. At No Way Out Shawn Michaels wins the chamber and JBL retains the title. Shawn Michaels breaks it off with JBL with Sweet Chin Music. Shawn than says that since his finances are under control he is back. At Wrestlemania it is the battle of the texan vs the former texan turned New Yorker. Shawn Michaels beats JBL for the title at Wrestlemania 25.

Were the Dems mad at the Repubs taking over as the Party of No Morals?

Ever since Mark Foley emailed some little boys and Larry Craig did his tap-dancing act in the mens' room, it sure seems like the Dems decided to take back the title. I mean geez, between McGrevey and his boys in Jersey, Spitzer whoring it up in NY and D.C., Kirkpatrick screwing around in Detroit, and the blind drug addict new Governor of New York, it almost seems like they're making a concerted effort to show the country what a real lack of morals really is. Kinda makes you look back to the Clinton years with fond memories, doesn't it?

Why is my computer still restarting without warning?

Sounds like either your power supply or motherboard is starting to go. Test it with a different power supply if you can; it's a lot cheaper and easier to replace a power supply than the entire motherboard.

Who are the evangelicals?

do the evangelicals and should i stay away from them because my family are thinking about joining but idk help? or should i confront them and tell them to piss off?

What is a cool film company name?

Need to know one. I am trying to get partnership on youtube and it has a ques. if I have a company. So yeah.

Parents, what have you done when you caught your kids stealing?

Well, my daughter is just 3 months old, but I have a story of my own (unfortunately). One day when I was little--I'm guessing like 4 or 5, maybe--I swiped a pack of Chiclets gum from the grocery store. I made it all the way home without my mom knowing. I snuck behind the sofa in the "sitting and talking room" (what they called our fancy living room that kids really didn't frequent) and was just about to open them. My Mom came in out of nowhere and busted me. She drove me back to the store and made me tell the manager that I stole the gum and give it back to him. It was embarring and shameful--to the point that I never stole again.

Case to be heard in due course in high court?

someone had filed a CMS and CW in high court.subsequently the case was dismissed in my favor.he went to DB where the stay was not granted but case admitted to be heard in due course. my question is what is due course and when it will be heard.

What do you think of my scary short story idea?

It sounds good. I'd say go for it. :) It's hard to pull off horror stories, so make sure you focus a lot on emotion to try to get the reader really involved. Would I read it? No, but that's only because I'm not a big fan of short stories. But... the only thing I wouldn't particularly like about it is the fact that you use a girl as the hostage. Girls always seem to be taken hostage, why can't a boy ever be taken? It's the "Damsel in Distress" thing going on that I absolutely personally despise. But, it's still a fine idea.

Prop 19: Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis. What is your opinion?

If I were registered to vote in the state of California I would vote a resounding "Yes". Would this translate to the removal of currently incarcerated non-violent "criminals" who were prosecuted under the antiquated laws? Think of the money the cash-strapped state of California would save.

Attention Live Music Fans: Will gas prices keep you from going out to see live entertainment?

Hello, My name is Glen and I own and operate a music service business. This qeustion is directed towards fans of live entertainment who like to go out and see some form of it at least once a month. A recession is here and the ysts say it is going to get real bad. People tell me that the clubs and bars do better durrng these times but I personaly think this time is different than other similar dark economic times in the past. We are smack in the middle of a technolgy error that delivers to us more entertainment at home than there ever was. It is my opinion that folks are more likely than ever to stay home and be entertained rather than go out to see a live show. In the state of MA the clubs and bars recently felt reprocussions from the recent public smoking ban and now that gas prices are getting rediculously high I fear that many will be facing another daunting and undermining future. Musicians and bands are going to feel it as well because there will be no one to hire them.

How to import a particular ledger with all entries from one to another company in Tally 9?

Suppose I have make a ledger in co. A with name Servicing Expenses but now i want to import all the transctions to co. B with the same ledger name. I want to copy all the vouchers i have entered in Co. A to Co. B

Can you PLEASE read this we-need-a-break-note to my bf and give me opinons/advice? shud i give it to him?

To be honest honey I think you should just tell him face to face and not bother with this note if he really cares for you it will show and he will respect your choice and if he goes against it then maybe you will have to break it off all together but I agree with you'r desicion and that makes a lot of us "moms" proud of what you are doing I hope all turns out well, and good luck :)

Baby Boy name HELP!!!?

Traditional names blow. Totally go with anything but traditional. A normal name usually leaves the kid with a normal life. Give it something exciting. High five!

Quote from The Scarlet letter about Hester Prynne?

I need a quote that shows hester's self respect in the novel. I need 2 examples and explained why they show she respects herself.

Can you change the name of the trademark you are applying for?

I have a applied for a trade mark in apr 07. Since then I realized that the name I have is not the name I want and I was wondering if I could change it without resubmitting another trademark application and spending another $325?

What isotope of carbon makes up 99% of all carbon on Earth?

There are three naturally occurring isotopes of carbon on Earth: 99% of the carbon is carbon-12, 1% is carbon-13, and carbon-14 occurs in trace amounts, e.g. making up as much as 1 part per trillion (0.0000000001%) of the carbon in the atmosphere

Need medical advice asap please help?

Yesterday (July 28th) I went walking around a hugh campus and walked around a few stores by the end of the evening I was extremely tired and noticed a dull pain on my right side. I thought it was or is my appendix but I kept pointing near my right hip. I went to sleep and woke up lost, confused, and weak. And the pain is still there. I feel the pain near my appendix and more on my right hip. I was born with CMT (Charco Marie Tooth Disease) a rare disability that affects the nerves in hands and feet. But I'm worried is it my appendix or do I feel the pain cuz I need to use the restroom? Also I have either an ulcer or gastritis and take nexium. I know this is a lot but the most pain is the right side near hip and appendix please what can it be or what is it?

What is the meaning and origin of the phrase "Calm winds and following seas"?

I first learned of it in the last episode of JAG. Is it a greeting, a way of saying farewell, or something else? It seems to have a profound meaning among American sailors (i.e., U.S. Navy personnel).

Are lip rings on guys more of a turn on or off?

Hi im Nic im 17 and ive been thinking of getting a lip ring for a while, and i was just wondering peoples opinions on guys that have them. Obviously not anyone can pull off a lip ring and ive been told i can but im a little weary. i look kinda like this guy and this guy

Why would anyone support an anti-Muslim bigot like Herman Cain?

Herman Cain is the same guy who said he'd never appoint a Muslim in his cabinet, and he also criticized Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison for not swearing in to office on the Bible.

Does anyone know the name of this song?

ok i was listening to the steve harvey morning show the other day and i herd a song that i liked but i couldnt remeber the name but i remeber a line in the song was they dipped my head and i came up shiny and new found out about love in the back of my impala where they laid my grandfather to down by the river

How will the West playoffs look in the NBA playoffs?

Amazing becasue the 8th spot will end up around 48 wins and the east 8th spot will be around 35 wins.

Black Ice vs Black Dice,who do you prefer?

After checking out more of Black Dice's songs with the You Tube vids other than just the one you posted, I definitely have to say I like Black Ice better. Black Ice was definitely the better band, because while I like Experimental & Techno music, I can't say that I thought Black Dice was that good - at least they weren't that good when comparing them to some better Experimental Techno bands I've heard or/& seen. I should ask any of my friends in or from Oakland or the bay area, if they've heard of Black Ice yet, because if not I'd recommend that they check em' out. Of course I'd also say other people who's not just in the bay area, should check out Black Ice definitely too.